Saturday, January 25, 2020

Relationship between Parental Rejection and Loneliness

Relationship between Parental Rejection and Loneliness Tazrin Akkas Zinia INTRODUCTION In the literature there are many different dimensions such as acceptance, affection control, warmth permissiveness, restrictiveness, and demandingness about the child rearing attitudes or parental behavior. Children all over the world need a specific form of positive response (acceptance) from parents and others attachment figures. When this need is not met satisfactorily, children everywhere regardless of variations in culture gender, age or, other such defining conditions tend to report different types of behavior and attitudes. Humans have over the course of evaluation, developed the biologically based emotional need for positive response from parents and other attachment figures. This need includes an emotional wish desire, or yearning (whether consciously recognized or not) for comfort, support care, concern, nurturance and over all positive regard from people with whom they have affection bonds of attachment. For this reason, parental acceptance-rejection is an important part of children’s lives at different stages of their development. Parents may be warm and loving or hostile and rejecting. Each pattern of parental behavior effects the personality development of children. According to interpersonal theory given by Sullivan (1953) the self system that is a person’s perception of self, is a significant component of personality, which develops through interaction with significant figures in the environment. In later life people respond according to this self system, whether people see the self as good or bad depends on their past perceptions. Rohner gave his famous Parental acceptance-rejection theory, widely known as a theory of socialization which attempts to explain and predict the antecedents, correlations and consequences of parental acceptance and rejection throughout the globe. It focuses on four major issues, one of them is the behavioral, cognitive and emotional development of children and adult personality functioning. Every person has experienced the warmth and affection provided by someone important to him/her, who is called the parent not necessarily, mother and father. This warmth and affection is a range from a great deal to none, where one end is named parental acceptance while the other one is termed rejection (Rohner, 2000a).According to the findings of a study conducted over worldwide love sample and American sample, parental hostility was significantly related to certain personality dispositions including hostility, negative self esteem and self adequacy, emotional instability, negative world view and dependency (Rohner). â€Å"Parenting† means providing care, support and love in a way that leads to a child’ includes being responsible for the child physicals need. It means creating a nurturing environment of attention, encouragement thus parenting involvement. It also means providing guidance for the children. It also means providing guidance for the children. Thus parenting involves meeting the Childs physical, mental, emotional and social needs. Both parental acceptance and rejection consist the warmth dimensions of parenting. According to PART theory, parental acceptance refers to the warmth, affection, care, comfort, concern, nurturance, support, or simply love that parents and others can feel and express toward their children, and others. Acceptance has two principle behavioral expressions: physical and verbal. Physical expressions of acceptance include hugging, fondling, caressing, approving glances, kissing, smiling, and other such indications of endearment, approval, or support. Expressions of verbal acceptance include praising, complimenting, saying nice things to or about the child or other person, perhaps singing songs or telling stories to a young child, and the like. A feelings and behaviors and by the presence of a variety of physically and psychologically hurtful behaviors and affects. The most broadly accepted definition of loneliness is the distress that results from discrepancies between ideal and perceived social relationships. This so-called cognitive Discrepancy perspective makes it clear that loneliness is not synonymous with being alone, nor does being with others guarantee protection from feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is the distressing feeling that occurs when one’s social relationships are perceived as being less Satisfying than what is desired. This entry describes how loneliness is conceived and measured; How loneliness is mentally represented; how loneliness influences thoughts, feelings, and Behaviors; and consequences of loneliness for health and wellbeing. Loneliness is related to a number of personal characteristics including low self esteem, shyness, feelings of alienation, external locus of control and belief that the word is not a just place that are associated with depression .( Jones, Freeman, in press). The term â€Å"depression’’ in the study refers to the central features of depressive to disorders, such as, depressed, mood, pessimistic ,thinking ,lack of enjoyment ,reduced energy and slowness. Of these, depressed mood is usually, but not invariably the most prominent symptom. (Gelder, Gath, Mayo and Cowen, 1996) some researchers showed that depression might have different manifestation in different cultures, for example, in an Indian study; it was found that depression had varied manifestations like depressed mood, anxiety, somatic, features, insomnia, obsessions etc (Puri etal, 1995). Literature review Stogdill (1937) said that, â€Å"The empirical study of parental acceptance-rejection has a history going back to the 1890s. It was not until the 1930s, however, that a more-or-less continuous body of empirical research began to appear dealing with the effects of parental acceptance-rejection.† Among, different programs of research on acceptance rejection, the work of Rohner and colleagues are most highly developed. Almost 400 studies have been completed in more than 60 nations internationally, as well as in every major ethnic group of America (Rohner, 2004a). Khaleque and Rohner, (2002a) experiment A meta analysis showed that, approximately 26% of the variability in children’s psychological adjustment and 21% of that is adult’s is accounted for by(parental as well as maternal) acceptance rejection. Roher, Uddin, Shamsunnaher Khaleque (2008) showed that, Among Japanese adult’s, remembered parental acceptance made an independent and significant contribution to men’s adjustment whereas only remembered maternal acceptance made an independent and significant contribution to men’s adjustment . Chyung Lee, 2008; Parmer Rohner, 2005; Rohner Khaleque, 2008, found several research findings and suggest that â€Å"remembrance of father’s (but not mother’s) acceptance in childhood are uniquely associated with variations in the psychological adjustment of adult people† Varan Rohner Eryuksel, (2005) conducted A study which is supports conclusions, from the preceding research, and thus suggests the possibility of a universal relation between individual’s mental health status and their perceptions of acceptance rejection by parents and intimate adult partners . In addition to issues of psychological adjustment, evidence also strongly implicates at least three other mental health issues of parental acceptance rejection .these issues are(1)depression and depressed affect,(2)behavior problems including conduct disorders, externalizing behaviors, and delinquency, (3) substance (drug and alcohol) abuse (rohner britner,2002). Rohner Veneziono (2001; 2000, 2003) concluted that father love(acceptance-rejection) is often as strongly implicated as mother love in the development of behavioral and psychological problems as well as in the development of offspring’s sense of health and well being . Rationale of the study Very few empirical investigations are available in Bangladesh context to highlight the relationship between parental acceptance-rejection and mental health problems .loneliness and depression are prominent psychiatric disorders in Bangladesh and so would be considered with priority. By this study we will be able to contribute to the understanding of the parents to appropriate parenting behaviors which are necessary for the good mental health for their children. And without good mental health they will be unable to contribute the future national developmental process. Furthermore this study will be able to enrich the PART theory. Objectivity of the study The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation of parental acceptance-rejection with loneliness depression. Considering above reviews and objectives of the study two hypotheses were formulated. Hypotheses1: parental rejection would be positively correlated with loneliness. Hypotheses2: parental rejection would be positively correlated with depression. Method Research design In present study, for investigating relation of parental–rejection with anxiety and depression, correlation and multiple regression analysis will be used. Sample A sample of 100 individuals will be used, 50 males and 50females. Their ages range from 20 to 50. At the time of this investigation, all of the participants are university students and studying different areas. Instruments Demographic Information Form: It gathered information related to the personal life of the participants for example, age, gender, academic qualification, number of siblings, birth order, family system etc. Adult Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire/Control: Father mother-Short Form (Adult PARQ/ Control: Father mother-Short Form, Rohner, 2005, Urdu translation by Munaf, Kamrani Hussain 2009): It measures the adult’s perception of father’s and mother’s acceptance-rejection in their childhood. This 29 items self reported questionnaire measures five dimensions of paternal behavior that are coldness/lack of affection, hostility/aggression, indifference/neglect, undifferentiated/rejection and control, that can be rated on four-point Likert scale ranges from almost always true (4), sometimes true (3), rarely true (2) and almost never true (1).Its cumulative score indicates perceived father acceptance-rejection; score at or below the midpoint of test scores means acceptance while high score is indicative of rejection. According to Khaleque and Rohner (2002) it is an empirically validated instrument used by researcher and in clinical settings as reliable measures. The revised UCLA loneliness scale was to develop to measure loneliness. It is a 20 items. Likert type scale.20 items of English version were translated into Bengali. The English and Bangla version were administered to 50 subjects with a gap of 7 days. Significant correlation [r48=.88,p>01] between scores of English and Bangla version indicated translation reliability of the scale that were measured the something by the two version . Each of the 20 items is scored such that a 1 indicates lack of loneliness and a 4 indicates high level of loneliness. Adapted Bangla version of The Geriatric Depression Scale : GDS (Brink et al., 1982) would be used to measure depression of people. GDS is Geriatric ally oriented scale for depression. It consists of 30 items which include symptoms like lowered affect, inactivity, irritability, withdrawal, distressing thoughts, and negative judgments about past, present, and future. Each item is worded as a question and respondents are asked to reply in â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no† fashion. Each â€Å"yes† answer receives 1 point, except on reverse-scored items. Where â€Å"no† receives answer zero point. Ten items are reversed-scored. Total score of the scale ranges from 0 to 30 and a score of 0 to 10 is considered to be the range for normal no depression, scores of 11-20 indicate mild depression and 21-30 moderate to major depression. The reliability coefficient of split half (Spearman-Brown) was .81 and alpha (Cronbach) was .84 which were highly significant indicating the int ernal consistency of the scale. Procedure The above instruments will be administered individually to the members of the sample. They will be informed of the purpose of the present study and necessary rapport will be established before administering the questionnaires. The respondents will be instructed to read the items of the scales attentively and to respond rapidly. They will be asked to give tick (√) mark in the appropriate box. They will be also requested not to omit any item in the questionnaire and will be talk to them no right or wrong answer and no time limit for answering. Data Analyses A descriptive analysis of the variables will be presented such as the respondents by age, sex, SES. Then, a multiple regression analysis will be carried out to see how much respondents’ loneliness and depression can be explained by the parental acceptance and rejection.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Living and Surviving: a Comparison Essay

It’s a commonly heard phrase – â€Å"I want to live and not just exist,† but after years of the same trite, dull sentiment, it seems flimsy and false. But to think deeper – it’s not nearly as fabricated as it seems. Living and surviving are two entirely separate actions, even though living does depend on existence. To explain the difference between living and existence, a definition is in order. Living, as defined by science, is the feat of not being dead, while existence is a blanket term that can be applied to everything in the universe. Thoughts and theories exist; same as rocks and soil. In that plane of thought, living and existence are separate, though slightly similar. To take it a step higher, and be human-centric, living would more likely be defined as having a soul, or at least, sentience. This would exclude, say, trees and bushes from the living category. Existence, then, might be elevated to having a beating heart and working lungs. Either way of viewing it, living and being are two different actions. In this paper, the focus is on second set of definitions. Living and existence, though different, are not mutually exclusive. To live, one must exist – it’s the only way. There must have a working body in order to have a thriving mind. But at the same time, it is entirely possible to exist and not live. It’s much like how a person is an animal, yet not all animals are people. To look at life’s other definition, souls and spiritualism are added to the mix and how that relates to human existence. Everyone has a soul, it could be argued, but most take it further than just simple possession of such. â€Å"What are you doing with your life?† it’s asked, taking â€Å"living† as something that can be measured. Someone who never deviates from routine, who has no hopes, could be considered â€Å"lifeless† by that perspective, while another who lives only to chase their dreams and enjoy their time on Earth, would be thriving. Here is a plethora of quotes, sayings, and speeches. Like the band Switchfoot sings, â€Å"I want to thrive, not just survive†. Living and existing, such a broad subject. So many different ways to define and redefine, each coming to the same conclusion: The two are different, even despite the fact that life depends on survival. Life, in general, is seen as a fully awakened consciousness; existence is simply breathing, possessing a beating heart and a pulsing brain†¦but not a host of thoughts. But no matter how the terms are defined, they’re always different ideas.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Business Law I Chapter 9 Answers - 1010 Words

Chapter 9 Answers: 1. Consideration consists of mutual exchange of gains and losses between contracting parties. In the exchange, a gain by the offer is at the same time a loss to the offeror. The legal term used to designate the gain that each party experiences is that party s legal benefit. Consideration has three characteristics 1) The agreement must involve a bargained-for exchange; 2)the contract must involve adequate consideration; and 3) the benefits and detriments promised must themselves be legal. 2. A legal detriment can be any of the following: 1) doing something that one has a legal right not to do; 2) giving up something that one has a legal right to keep; and 3) regaining from doing something that one has a legal†¦show more content†¦In reaching this doctrine, courts have accepted the principles of justice and fairness in protecting the party receiving the promise from otherwise unrecoverable loses. 10. Shopping online is one of the fastest growing market place s on record. Despite its many advantages (quick amp; efficient, comparison shopping, availability of hard-to-get products) , there are many difficulties: - Cyber-payment option: Wide variety of methods. One of the most popular methods is by credit/debit card. Most online sellers will accept the major credit cards such as Visa, Master Card. This type of system protects both the buyer and the seller. This process may become the most acceptable process because most of the times when people buy and sell in cyberspace they are dealing with strangers. The online payment process eliminates the identity verification problem. This is important because one of the biggest concerns about online shopping is security. - Cyber-Payment Security Issues: the ease and efficiency of using credit/debit cards is frequently offset by the security concerns associated with their use. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How to Conjugate the Regular French Verb Acheter (To Buy)

Achete (to buy) is a very common French stem-changing verb. It is a verb that has two different stems but is conjugated with the same endings as  regular -er verbs. Stem-changing verbs are sometimes also called boot verbs or shoe verbs  because if you circle the forms that have stem changes in the conjugation table below, the resulting shape looks like a boot or shoe. The Actual Stem Change For the  present tense  of verbs that end in  -e_er (  _ indicates one or more consonants), the stem change consists of changing the  e  before that consonant to  Ãƒ ¨Ã‚  in all forms but  nous  and  vous. See this happen in the table below. Stem changes are not limited to the present tense; they  occur across several French tenses and moods, as shown in the table below. Note that the table below  has only the simple conjugations of the verb  acheter; it does not include the compound tenses, which consist of  a form of the auxiliary verb  and  the past participle. Common -e_er Stem-Changing Verbs   Ã‚  Ã‚  acheter  Ã‚  to buy  Ã‚  Ã‚  amener  Ã‚  to take  Ã‚  Ã‚  emmener  Ã‚  to take  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  enlever  Ã‚  to remove  Ã‚  Ã‚  geler  Ã‚  to freeze  Ã‚  Ã‚  harceler  Ã‚  o harass  Ã‚  Ã‚  lever  Ã‚  to lift, raise  Ã‚  Ã‚  mener  Ã‚  to lead  Ã‚  Ã‚  peler  Ã‚  to peel  Ã‚  Ã‚  peser  Ã‚  to weigh  Ã‚  Ã‚  promener  Ã‚  to walk Other than acheter, geler, harceler and peler, most verbs that end in -eler and -eter are part of a different stem-change group that includes -eler verbs and -eter verbs. Verbs that end in -à ©_er have a similar stem change. For the present tense of verbs that end in -à ©_er, the stem change consists of changing à © to à ¨ in all forms but nous and vous, as in the following example:   Ã‚  Ã‚  je  considà ¨re  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  nous  considà ©rons  Ã‚  Ã‚  tu  considà ¨res  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  vous  considà ©rez  Ã‚  Ã‚  il  considà ¨re  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ils  considà ¨rent Common -à ©_er Stem-Changing Verbs      cà ©der  Ã‚  to give up, dispose of  Ã‚  Ã‚  cà ©là ©brer   to celebrate  Ã‚  Ã‚  complà ©ter   to complete  Ã‚  Ã‚  considà ©rer   to consider  Ã‚  Ã‚  diffà ©rer   to differ  Ã‚  Ã‚  espà ©rer   to hope  Ã‚  Ã‚  exagà ©rer* to exaggerate  Ã‚  Ã‚  gà ©rer   to manage  Ã‚  Ã‚  inquià ©ter   to worry  Ã‚  Ã‚  modà ©rer   to moderate  Ã‚  Ã‚  pà ©nà ©trer   to enter  Ã‚  Ã‚  possà ©der   to possess  Ã‚  Ã‚  prà ©fà ©rer   to prefer  Ã‚  Ã‚  protà ©ger* to protect  Ã‚  Ã‚  reflà ©ter   to reflect  Ã‚  Ã‚  rà ©pà ©ter   to repeat  Ã‚  Ã‚  rà ©và ©ler   to reveal  Ã‚  Ã‚  suggà ©rer   to suggest  Ã‚  Ã‚  zà ©brer   to stripe*These are also  spelling change verbs. Verbs that end in  -e_er  have a similar stem change.  For  -e_er verbs  and  -à ©_er verbs, the penultimate e takes on or changes to à ¨. Simple Conjugations of the French Stem-Changing Verb Acheter Present Future Imperfect Present participle j achte achterai achetais achetant tu achtes achteras achetais il achte achtera achetait nous achetons achterons achetions vous achetez achterez achetiez ils achtent achteront achetaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle achet Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive j achte achterais achetai achetasse tu achtes achterais achetas achetasses il achte achterait acheta achett nous achetions achterions achetmes achetassions vous achetiez achteriez achettes achetassiez ils achtent achteraient achetrent achetassent Imperative tu achte nous achetons vous achetez